Professional and Social Contributions
Keynote Speaker, Short Term Training Program on “Data Structure and Algorithms” at Rajkiya Engineering College Bijnor on 4th October 2019.
Session Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques 2019 (ICCT' 19) at Manipal University, Jaipur on 29th September 2019.
Session Chair, Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing at MNIT Jaipur on 27th September 2019
Coordinator, 5 days Skill Development Workshop on “Fundamentals of Python Programming Skills", 31st August, 1-2 September and 7-8 September 2019 (110 Participants)
Coordinator, 5 days Skill Development Workshop on "Data Structure Fundamentals", 10-12,17,18 August, 2019 (55 Participants)
Coordinator, 5 days Skill Development Workshop on "Fundamentals of C Programming Skills", 10-12,17,18 August, 2019 (60 Participants)
Session Chair, 4th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies at MNIT Jaipur on May 9-10, 2019
Coordinator, Summer Internship Program on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (An TEQIP III Initiative) May 20th - July 10th, 2019 (25 Participants)
Served as an external examiner for B.Tech (IT 4th year major projects) at Nirma University on 17th May, 2018.
Conducted two sessions on ‘Robotics- Past, Present and Future’ for Adani Vidya Mandir (AVM Ahmedabad) students on 24th and 31st May, 2018.